
Charles C. Faust & My Small Computer Museum

I currently work for Drue and Chris Davis at Davis Small Engine in Burkburnett, Texas. It was Drue Davis that gave me almost all of my current Commodore collection. The VIC-20, 64 Breadbin (actually gave me three of these to start, I gave some of them to friends), 64C, 128, 128D and a Timex Sinclair 1000 to boot, pretty much all in one go. That was during December 2012, since then Drue has given me all manner of floppies, floppy cases, games, applications, documentation, printers, labels, printer paper, adapters and other odds and ends that go with the Commodore computers, and some older PCs he's given me. So Drue Davis is probably the single biggest reason that I have a decent private Commodore collection as it is. I purchased a batch of computers that included 2x Amiga 2000s, one of which was beyond repair, I kept the case, and gave the mainboard to a friend to recycle, I am still in the process of combining the two Amiga 2000s with all the add-on cards that came with both. I got an Amiga 1000, a handful of monitors and an Apple IIe with two floppy drives (the IIe does work). I got additional parts from e(vil)Bay to repair the 64C (keyboard mainly) from Geronimo, Texas, along with an additional 64C mainboard, and a 64C case. I also purchased an Atari 520ST, 520STFM main board, and a 1040STF. I modified the 1040STF case to hold the 520STFM mainboard so it is technically a 1040STFM. The VIC-20 and the Timex Sinclair are going to need work to boot, as soon as I finish the Amiga 2000, I will next concentrate on the VIC-20. If I can not get it working I'll send it off to Geronimo, Texas for testing. The Timex may have to replaced, don't know as of yet. Anyway, I've always loved all computers, and thanks to Drue Davis I have a huge urge to go retro any chance I get.

I also have a Bondi Blue iMac, the mainboard and connectors for an eMac, as well as a lot of PCs new and old.

My hobbies:

This is where I work, if you have an lawn/garden equipment that needs fixing, this is the best place to get it done. Again, Drue Davis is the person that gave me a huge chunk of the equipment featured in this mini-museum.